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Employee Provident Fund Calculator

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What calculations are made by this EPF Calculator?

This EPF calculator calculates Employee Provident Fund (EPF) amount available to employees at the time of their retirement. It shows year-wise details of contributions of employee and employer to EPF account, interest earned and growth in EPF (Employee's Provident Fund) and EPS (Employee's Pension Scheme) balances. The calculator also shows year-wise growth charts of EPF and EPS balances.

EPF (Employees Provident Fund) Calculator
Age ( years )
Age of Retirement ( change, if necessary )
Current EPF balance
Current EPS balance
Employee's monthly contribution
Employer's total monthly contribution ( EPF + EPS )
Estimated yearly rate of growth in contribution ( % )
Estimated average EPF interest rate
Please enter data in all fields and then Submit

What is EPF Scheme?

Employee's Provident Fund (EPF) is a retirement benefit scheme available to all salaried employees. This fund is maintained and overseen by the Employees Provident Fund Organisation of India (EPFO). Any company with over 20 employees is required by law to register with the EPFO. It helps employees save a portion of their salary every month that can be used in the event the employee is rendered unable to work or upon retirement.

The employee and employer both contribute 12% of employee's basic salary (plus dearness allowances, if any) into employee's EPF account. The entire 12% of employee's contribution goes into his EPF account along with 3.67% of employer contribution, while the balance 8.33% from your employer's contribution is credited to EPS (Employee's Pension Scheme). If basic pay plus DA of employee is above ? 6,500 per month, the employer can contribute a maximum of 8.33% of 6,500 (i.e. ? 541) to employee's EPS and the balance goes into employee's EPF account. The balance in EPF account earns interest at the rate specified by the Government from time to time. However, the balance in EPS account does not earn any interest.

What Tax Benefits are available under EPF scheme?

Following Tax Benefits are available under EPF scheme :

Updated : Dec. 11, 2020